Friday, January 28, 2011

Animated Dingbats

One interactive experience that pops to mind instantly is Facebook. Even the adds are interactive to the point that if you interact with the framework then they become more and more relevant to you and your interests. I've accepted the fact that I'm going to be advertised to online, but please for god sake make it relevant! Hulu is another site that is following suit with relevant ads and I for one am stoked to not watch tampon commercials anymore. ;)
Another interactive experience that  inspires me is real human interaction which facebook can never replace. Through these experiences I'm inspired to make something that will be not only interactive but relevant to my audience.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011


    The drag and drop simplicity of pulling unlimited copies of an image from my library was a fun process that made putting these together really easy. I can see how having a library of symbols that are related would make for a very smooth creative work flow. I spent the most time looking at and exploring how these images are related and I feel that having them as symbols really helped with this.

      In conclusion, I'm not sure that using symbols "Radically" altered my perception of my work. But it did distance me from it a bit and certainly opened me up to experiencing how all of these images work together and are related.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

References, Research and Infuences...

Ding bats

    My theme for these dingbats was based on cartoon doodles that I've done over the years. I also drew influences from and referenced comic strips such as "Life in Hell" and other random cartoon images, though I feel they have there own style that I wish to explore further. I didn't really have much of a plan I just started drawing and looking up random images with google. When in doubt just draw ;)

    I really like flash for drawing these kind of cartoons as the auto fix makes for nice clean hard lines. This allowed me to spend less time fiddling with the drawing and more time on the concepts which I'm still exploring. Eventually I would like to hone it down to about a dozen solid characters to use in an interactive online comic strip.